Tracking in SF-QED experiments and R&D of wide-bandgap detectors
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- Weizmann Inst.
- Europe,
- Middle East
- hep-ex
- physics.ins-det
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- PostDoc
- Experiments:
- SLAC-E-320,
Deadline on Apr 7, 2025
Job description:
The WIS hep-ex group is searching for an experienced postdoc to work on the new and exciting Strong-Field QED experiments (LUXE, E320, NPOD…), and on wide-bandgap (specifically GaN) detector development for future HEP experiments. LUXE (arXiv:2308.00515) and E320 (Optica, 2022, HF4B.6) are new experiments to test QED at intense electric fields, in collisions of high-energy electron beam and high-intensity laser pulses. The Schwinger critical field can be approached (in the electrons’ rest frame) in a clean environment and physical processes of pure non-perturbative nature may be measured for the first time. These experiments also have new physics prospects (PRD 106, 115034 (2022)). We also start working on similar experiments in multi-PW facilities like Apollon and ELI-NP. The collaborations are small and an individual impact can be very large. The WIS group is responsible for both the tracking detectors as well as the GEANT4 simulation of the entire experimental setup in both experiments. Activities in within the ATLAS experiment at the LHC can also be considered, albeit with low FTE. More Information about the group and its activities in:
- PhD and excellent knowledge in experimental particle physics,
- excellent programming skills, experience with large scale distributed computing campaigns,
- experience with clustering, tracking and machine-learning algorithms,
- experience with detector instrumentation, preferably in the area of solid-state detectors.
Further important details:
- The post is to be based at WIS [1] with trips to CERN/DESY/SLAC.
- All details related to the fellowship (baseline of 11,500 ILS/month net) are available in:
- In addition to the fellowship and relocation costs, all postdocs receive an annual travel allowance of ~2k$ and the host lab covers all scientific trips if this allowance is exhausted.
- A dedicated international office [2] operates in WIS to help researchers with ALL aspects related to the moving, working and living in Israel.
- Applications are welcome from all qualified individuals [3].
- The post will remain open until filled.
- Please send your CV with a list of publications and arrange for at least three letters of recommendation to be emailed to Noam Tal Hod (in
[1] WIS is located in Rehovot, Israel, a 20 minute drive from the city of Tel Aviv. The official language (studies and administration) in WIS is English.
[2] The WIS International Office is providing a spectrum of services to our international community. The office will oversee and provide the international community non-academic and non-scientific services going forward including: Visa handling, Health insurance, Medical services, Housing and Relocating, Schools, Family and community guidance and assistance, Cultural events and activities, Hebrew Lessons and more.
[3] Postdoc applicants can start employment no later than 5 years after receiving their PhD and the employment can extend up to 7 years after receiving the PhD.
Letters of Reference should be sent to:
More Information:
Posted a year ago, updated 5 months ago