Postdoctoral position - ATLAS
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- IJCLab, Orsay
- Europe
- hep-ex
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- PostDoc
- Experiments:
Deadline on Sep 16, 2024
Job description:
The ATLAS group of the IJCLab IN2P3 laboratory (« Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie »), located in the France-Paris region, invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher in experimental high energy physics.
The successful candidate is expected to take a leading role in physics analyses with the Run 3 data of the ATLAS experiment, with focus on HH production and physics object identification.
The successful candidate will work as part of the DIVE (DiHiggs In VBF Events) project funded by the French ANR agency. The goal of DIVE is the study of HH production at high transverse momentum, gaining full access to the vector boson fusion mode through the bbbb and bbtautau channels. The successful candidate will focus on the bbtautau channel, and contribute to the design of a new analysis for boosted bbtautau production and to the development and calibration of an identification method for boosted H to tautau decays using state-of-the-art machine learning techniques.
A contribution to the IJCLab hardware activities for the ATLAS detector upgrade is also possible and can be foreseen depending on the professional interests of the candidate.
The position includes the supervision of PhD and Master students and collaboration with the other members of the DIVE project.
Contract duration and conditions:
The position will be based at IJCLab, with travels and possible short stays at CERN.
The duration of the position is two years. The target start date is fall 2024, subject to negotiation with the candidate.
Required qualifications:
The candidates should have acquired a PhD in experimental high-energy physics less than two years before the contract is starting.
Application procedure:
Interested applicants should send:
- A cover letter detailing the candidate’s research interests and the motivation to join the IJCLab ATLAS group
- A Curriculum Vitae describing research experience with a list of relevant publications
- Up to three letters of recommendation, to be sent directly by the referees
The documents should be sent to Luca Cadamuro ( before September 16th. Applications will be reviewed as they are received until the position is filled.
Informal enquires are welcome and can be directly addressed to the contact person.
- Luca Cadamuro (
Letters of Reference should be sent to:
Posted 9 months ago, updated 6 months ago