Postdoctoral research associate in ATLAS

    • Prague, Inst. Phys.
    • Europe
  • hep-ex
Deadline on Oct 13, 2024
Job description:
The Division of Particle Physics at the Institute of Physics in Prague invites applications for a postdoctoral research associate position to work on the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The selected candidate will contribute to physics measurements and physics objects' performance within the ATLAS experiment. The group focuses primarily on Standard Model electroweak and top quark measurements, with a growing involvement in electron and photon performance studies.

The successful candidate will be expected to lead a precision analysis of W and Z events, collaborating closely with graduate or undergraduate students. They will take an active role in the ATLAS electron and photon performance group, providing recommendations for legacy Run 2 and Run 3 datasets. Working alongside experts in our group, the candidate will also engage in exploratory R&D to enhance electron, photon, and hadronic recoil reconstructions in ATLAS by applying machine-learning techniques.

Expected qualification
The candidate needs to have a PhD in experimental particle physics and demonstrate excellent data analysis, offline software, and programming (python/c++) skills. The ability to carry out an independent research program is essential. Experience in machine learning will be considered an advantage. Good communication skills in English, both verbal and written, are required. 

Additional information
The positions are expected to start in January 2025. The standard contract duration is two years, with the possibility of a one-year extension. An earlier starting date is negotiable. The monthly gross salary is in the range of 60 000 - 65 000 CZK, from which tax, social, and health insurance are deducted (approximately 24%). We offer an annual 100 000 CZK travel budget. The employment includes several benefits: 5 weeks of vacation + 6 days of personal leave, flexible working hours and home-office arrangements, support of further education, personal development, and more benefits such as a cooperative kindergarten, etc. Find more about us at Why FZU?.

How to apply
Interested candidates should provide a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, and a statement of research experience and interests via the application form. They should arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to by the application deadline. 
Inquiries related to the research are welcome and should be addressed to Dr. Oldrich Kepka. 
Screening of applicants will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Applications submitted by October 13, 2024, will be given full consideration. We look forward to receiving your applications. 
Posted 7 months ago, updated 5 months ago