PhD student position in tracking detector R&D and/or physics sensitivity studies at the FCC-ee

    • LPHE, Lausanne
    • Europe
  • hep-ex
Deadline on Oct 31, 2024
Job description:
The High Energy Physics Laboratory [1] of EPFL, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, invites applications for PhD student positions in experimental particle physics to work either on tracking detector R&D or physics sensitivity studies for future collider (FCC-ee) at CERN. 

The lab, led by Prof. Olivier Schneider, Prof. Lesya Shchutska, Prof. Radoslav Marchevski, and Prof. Fred Blanc, is strongly involved both in the physics analysis of LHCb data and in R&D for future detector upgrades. It has been a major player in the design and construction of the new Scintillating Fibre (SciFi) Tracker and PLUME luminometer for LHCb, and of SciFi planes for the active target of the new SND@LHC experiment, all in operation for the current LHC Run 3 data-taking period. In addition, the lab is engaged with the NA62 experiment at CERN, which is also taking data. The lab pursues R&D for further upgrades of the LHCb tracker, as well as a possible upgrade of the NA62 detector, future astroparticle detectors in space, and medical dosimetry applications. Currently the lab is also starting research activities for the FCC at CERN.

There are several PhD projects available which are focusing on the preparation towards the future collider at CERN:

1) a PhD project focusing on SciFi detector R&D, with key objectives including the development of thinner tracking layers, enhanced light collection, and the achievement of zero-noise operation. As part of this work, the candidate will help develop silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) arrays optimized for cryogenic operation and improved sensitivity, along with the tools required for performance evaluation. The project will also explore new applications of SciFi technology beyond its original design. For example, SciFi mats could be applied as sensitive layers in other detector subsystems, such as muon systems, which could profit from high spatial resolution or energy measurement capabilities.

2) a PhD project targeting a detector optimization for flavour physics and/or long-lived particle (LLP) searches in the context of FCC-ee. This exciting opportunity offers a chance to work on cutting-edge experimental research, optimizing detector performance for one of the most ambitious future projects in particle physics. The successful candidate will contribute to the design and optimisation of detector systems specifically suited to the demands of flavour physics and LLP searches at FCC-ee. This will involve developing and refining simulation tools to evaluate detector performance for key physics objectives, including identifying rare processes and reconstructing displaced vertices from LLP decays. Additionally, the role includes conducting data analysis to maximize the detector’s sensitivity for both flavour physics studies and LLP searches. 

Positions, which also involve teaching duties at Bachelor or Master level, become available from April 1, 2025.

The selected PhD students will need to enroll in the Physics program of the EPFL doctoral school [2], and the employment runs up to a total of four years. Doctoral school information and employment conditions at EPFL may be consulted online [2-4]. Applicants are expected to hold a Master degree (or equivalent) in Physics at the start of employment. The ideal candidate has a strong motivation for fundamental research, and has received education in Particle Physics. Experience with data analysis, computer programming and/or particle detectors is an advantage.

Applicants should prepare a motivation letter, in which they state which type of a position they target (1, 2, or both), CV, scans of the higher institution grade records, and contact information of three references willing to write a recommendation. The application should be submitted to the EPFL Doctoral Program in Physics (EDPY) following the instructions in [5] by the deadline of October 31, 2024. Please indicate Radoslav Marchevski and Lesya Shchutska under Potential host laboratories. The references should be submitted by the referees by the same deadline following the request they receive.

More information can be obtained from Prof. Radoslav Marchevski ( and Prof. Lesya Shchutska (

Posted 5 months ago, updated 4 months ago