PhD positions in High Energy Theoretical Physics

    • Ecole Polytechnique, Lausanne,
    • U. Geneva (main),
    • ETH, Zurich (main)
    • Europe
  • hep-th
    • PhD
Deadline on Mar 1, 2025
Job description:
Applications are invited for PhD positions in the subjects of High Energy Theory, Mathematical Physics and String Theory, covered by the SwissMAP collaboration. The PhD positions are fully funded for four years and they start in the Fall of 2025.

The call is open until the positions are filled. However, the deadline for full consideration is 01/03/2025.  

Participating institutions:   

There are three open positions at EPFL:
The Physics doctoral school at EPFL offers advanced courses and a stimulating environment with about 200 students. The High Energy Theory group at EPFL covers many research areas including field theory, high energy phenomenology, physics beyond the Standard Model, cosmology, supersymmetry, string theory, gauge/gravity duality and the conformal bootstrap. The group has strong scientific ties with nearby CERN.

There are two groups at ETH with open positions:
  • The group of Matthias Gaberdiel works on mathematical aspects of String Theory and Conformal Field Theory, and the main topic of current interest is the AdS/CFT correspondence, primarily for the case of AdS3/CFT2. The group is part of the Institute for Theoretical Physics at ETH Zurich that provides a vibrant research environment and includes also research groups in particle physics, condensed matter theory and quantum information theory. There are also close links to the Department of Mathematics at ETH. Finally, the group is part of the Simons Collaboration on Confinement.
  • Research in the group of Niklas Beisert and Johannes Broedel at the institute for theoretical physics at ETH Zürich is concerned with the exploration of algebraic structures and integrability in the context of Quantum Field Theory and String Theory and their geometric implementation in terms of special functions.

The successful candidate will work on various aspects of Quantum Field Theory, with a focus on conformal bootstrap, S-matrix bootstrap, and anomalies, within the Department of Theoretical Physics at the University of Geneva, under the supervision of Denis Karateev. The Department of Theoretical Physics offers a dynamic environment with a broad range of expertise, including condensed matter, cosmology, particle phenomenology, gravity, string theory, and holography. Department members also benefit from close ties with the nearby CERN Theory Department and the High Energy Theory Group at EPFL.

Entry Requirements:
Master degree in Physics or Mathematics with strong background in Theoretical Physics (concluded before start date).   

Application Process:   
The applicant should submit the following documents: 
- cover letter (one A4 page maximum) specifying which positions he/she is interested in (by default we assume the candidate is interested in all available positions)
- CV (two A4 pages maximum) 
- Personal statement of research interests (one A4 page maximum) 
- Copy of official transcripts of diplomas and grades from all academic institutions of higher education listed in the CV (after and not including high-school)  
- 2 academic references from lecturers or researchers familiar with the applicant's achievements (letters will be requested by email through the application system). 
All documents should be uploaded at
Posted a month ago, updated a month ago