Postdoctoral position on data analysis with the ATLAS experiment
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- IJCLab, Orsay
- Europe
- hep-ex
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- PostDoc
- Experiments:
Deadline on Mar 5, 2025
Job description:
The ATLAS team at IJCLab, Orsay is opening a two-year post-doc position to work on the study of vector boson scattering processes with the ATLAS experiment.
The ATLAS team at IJCLab has been involved in the ATLAS experiment since its origins, with major contributions to detectors, reconstruction performance, and physics analyses. It takes part in the upgrade projects of the Liquid argon calorimeter electronics, of the central inner tracker, and of the high granularity timing detector. The physics activities
are focused on the Higgs boson and electroweak (vector boson scattering) physics.
In VBS physics, the group has a strong expertise in the semileptonic final states and in the interpretation of VBS results in terms of effective field theories (EFT) using the Run 2 data, and is starting the work towards the analysis of the large Run 3 dataset.
The successful candidate is expected to take leading responsibilities in the analysis of VBS processes, in semileptonic final states or in other channels of interest. The research will involve the design of new analyses specifically tailored to enhance the sensitivity to EFTs, in particular by exploiting the potential of high-pT boosted topologies. The team is working in collaboration with theorists as part of the EFT@LHC grant, which brings the possibility to work on enhancing the reusability of the results, including the publication of simplified likelihoods and the mapping of VBS EFT constraints to SMEFT. The candidate can also engage in combined performance work related to the needs of the VBS analyses, or in detector upgrade activities.
Highly qualified and motivated applicants should have a Ph.D. in experimental particle physics by the time of appointment.
Experience with data analysis in high energy physics experiments, preferably at the LHC, is required. The applicants should send, by March 5th 2025, a curriculum vitae that includes a description of the research experience, a list of
publications, and a motivation letter.
The applications should be sent via email to Nicolas Morange ( They should also arrange to have at least two letters of recommendation sent to the same email address.
- Nicolas Morange (
Letters of Reference should be sent to:
Posted 2 months ago, updated 20 days ago