The Monte Carlo event generator YFSWW3 version 1.16 for W pair production and decay at LEP-2 / LC energies

Aug, 2001
43 pages
Published in:
  • Comput.Phys.Commun. 140 (2001) 432-474
Report number:
  • CERN-TH-2001-017,
  • DESY-01-027,
  • UTHEP-01-0101

Citations per year

We present the Monte Carlo event generator YFSWW3 version 1.16 for theprocess of W-pair production and decay in electron-positron collisions. It includes O(α){\cal O}(\alpha) electroweak radiative corrections in the WW production stage together with the O(α3){\cal O}(\alpha^3) initial-state-radiation (ISR) corrections in the leading-logarithmic (LL) approximation, implemented within the Yennie-Frautschi-Suura (YFS) exclusive exponentiation framework. The photon radiation in the W decays is generated by the dedicated program PHOTOS up to O(α2){\cal O}(\alpha^2) LL, normalised to the W branching ratios. The program is interfaced with the τ\tau decay library TAUOLA and the quark fragmentation/hadronization package JETSET. The semi-analytical code KORWAN for the calculations of the differential and total cross-sections at the Born level and in the ISR approximation is included.
  • submitted to Comput. Physics Commun Report-no: CERN-TH/2001-017
  • electron positron: annihilation
  • W: pair production
  • electroweak interaction: radiative correction
  • photon: emission
  • leading logarithm approximation
  • W: decay
  • programming: Monte Carlo
  • numerical calculations: Monte Carlo
  • tables
  • bibliography