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Abstract: (arXiv)
Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and its connection with the generation of hadron masses has historically been viewed as a vacuum phenomenon. We argue that confinement makes such a position untenable. If quark-hadron duality is a reality in QCD, then condensates, those quantities that were commonly viewed as constant empirical mass-scales that fill all spacetime, are instead wholly contained within hadrons; viz., they are a property of hadrons themselves and expressed, e.g., in their Bethe-Salpeter or light-front wave functions. We explain that this paradigm is consistent with empirical evidence, and incidentally expose misconceptions in a recent Comment.
  • 10 pages, 2 figures
  • 24.85.+p
  • 11.30.Rd
  • 12.38.Aw
  • 11.15.Tk
  • condensation
  • confinement
  • hadron: mass generation
  • wave function: light front
  • symmetry breaking: chiral
  • duality: quark hadron