Regge Theory for Multiparticle Amplitudes

May, 1974
213 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rept. 14 (1974) 257
Report number:
  • MIT-CTP-395,
  • CERN-TH-1817

Citations per year

Abstract: (Elsevier)
The asymptotic behavior of multiparticle scattering amplitudes is discussed and reviewed with an emphasis on the analytic structure of the amplitudes as a function of the channel invariants. Single and multiple asymptotic limits of the Regge and helicity type are defined and a recipe is given for obtaining the asymptotic behavior of amplitudes in these limits controlled by exchanges of factorizable Regge poles and constrained by analyticity requirements. Applications to inclusive cross sections and the decoupling theorems for a pomeron Regge pole are reviewed as illustrative consequences of unitarity for multi-Regge theory. The present understanding of the relationship of cuts in angular momentum to unitarity is also described and suggestions given for further research. An effort has been made to keep the discussion pedagogical, while at the same time providing an entree to the literature.
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