Herschel imaging of 61 Vir: implications for the prevalence of debris in low-mass planetary systems
Jun, 201220 pages
Published in:
- Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 424 (2012) 1206
- 1206.2370 [astro-ph.EP]
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Abstract: (arXiv)
This paper describes Herschel observations of the nearby (8.5pc) G5V multi-exoplanet host star 61 Vir at 70-500micron carried out by the DEBRIS survey. These reveal emission that is extended out to >15arcsec with a morphology that can be fitted by a nearly edge-on (77deg inclination) radially broad (from 30AU to >100AU) debris disk of fractional luminosity 2.7x10^-5, with two unrelated sources nearby that are more prominent at longer wavelengths. Chance alignment with a background object seen at 1.4GHz provides potential for confusion, but the star's 1.4'/yr proper motion allows Spitzer 70micron images to confirm that what we are interpreting as disk emission really is circumstellar. Although the exact shape of the disk's inner edge is not well constrained, the region inside 30AU must be significantly depleted in planetesimals. This is readily explained if there are additional planets in the 0.5-30AU region, but is also consistent with collisional erosion. We also find tentative evidence that the presence of detectable debris around nearby stars correlates with the presence of the lowest mass planets that are detectable in current radial velocity surveys. Out of an unbiased sample of the nearest 60 G stars, 11 are known to have planets, of which 6 (including 61 Vir) have planets that are all less massive than Saturn, and 4 of these have evidence for debris. The debris toward one of these planet-hosts (HD20794) is reported here for the first time. This fraction (4/6) is higher than that expected for nearby field stars (15%), and implies that systems that form low-mass planets are also able to retain bright debris disks. We suggest that this correlation could arise because such planetary systems are dynamically stable and include regions that are populated with planetesimals in the formation process where the planetesimals can remain unperturbed over Gyr timescales.Note:
- 20 pages. MNRAS, in press
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- 36.09.
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- 36.08.