Beta Beams: An Accelerator-based Facility to Explore Neutrino Oscillation Physics
Sep, 2011
3 pages
Published in:
- Conf.Proc.C 110904 (2011) 2535-2537
Contribution to:
Report number:
- IPAC-2011-WEPS024
Citations per year
The recent discovery of neutrino oscillations, has implications for the Standard Model of particle physics (SM). Knowing the contribution of neutrinos to the SM, needs precise measurements of the parameters governing the ne The EUROν Design Study will review three facilities (the so-called Super-Beams, Beta Beams and Neutrino Factories) and perform a cost assessment that, coupled with the physics performance, will give means to the European research a decision on future European neutrino oscillation facility. 'Beta Beams' produce collimated pure electron (anti-)neutrino by accelerating beta active ions to high energies and having them decay in a storage ring. EUROν Beta Beam s infrastructure and existing machines. Using existing machines is an advantage for the cost evaluation, however, this choice is also constraining the Beta Beams. Recent work to make the Beta Beam facility a solid option will be descri eta Beam isotopes, the 60 GHz pulsed ECR source development, integration into the LHC-upgrades, ensure the high intensity ion beam stability, and optimizations to get high neutrino fluxes.- activity report
- neutrino: oscillation
- neutrino/e: particle source
- antineutrino/e: particle source
- beta beam
- costs
- proposed experiment
- nucleus: semileptonic decay
0 References