Collisional vs. Radiative Energy Loss of Heavy Quark in a Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter

Sep, 2012

Citations per year

Abstract: (Elsevier)
We study the heavy quark evolution in a quark-gluon plasma medium within the framework of Langevin equation coupled to a (2+1)-dimensional viscous hydrodynamic model. We modify the current Langevin algorithm such that apart from quasi-elastic scattering, medium-induced radiative energy loss is incorporated as well by treating gluon radiation as an extra force term. We find a significant effect of gluon radiation on heavy quark energy loss at LHC energies. Our calculation provides a good description of the D meson suppression measured by ALICE experiment, and makes a prediction for B meson suppression and flow.
  • 4 pages, 6 figures, talk given by Shanshan Cao at Quark Matter 2012
  • heavy ion: scattering
  • quark gluon: plasma
  • heavy quark: energy loss
  • Langevin equation
  • hydrodynamics
  • viscosity
  • gluon: radiation
  • D: suppression
  • B: suppression
  • flow