AGN Feedback Driven Molecular Outflow in NGC 1266

Nov, 2012
2 pages
Published in:
  • IAU Symp. 290 (2013) 175-176
Contribution to:
  • Published: Feb 21, 2013

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0 Citations
Abstract: (Cambridge University Press)
NGC 1266 is a nearby field galaxy observed as part of the ATLAS3D survey (Cappellari et al. 2011). NGC 1266 has been shown to host a compact (< 200 pc) molecular disk and a mass-loaded molecular outflow driven by the AGN (Alatalo et al. 2011). Very Long Basline Array (VLBA) observations at 1.65 GHz revealed a compact (diameter < 1.2 pc), high brightness temperature continuum source most consistent with a low-level AGN origin. The VLBA continuum source is positioned at the center of the molecular disk and may be responsible for the expulsion of molecular gas in NGC 1266. Thus, the candidate AGN-driven molecular outflow in NGC 1266 supports the picture in which AGNs do play a significant role in the quenching of star formation and ultimately the evolution of the red sequence of galaxies.
  • 2 pages, Proceedings from IAU Symposium 290: Feeding compact objects, Accretion on all scales
  • Galaxies – Active Galactic Nuclei – ISM