Enhanced asymptotic symmetry algebra of
Mar 13, 2013Citations per year
Abstract: (Springer)
A generalization of the Brown-Henneaux boundary conditions is introduced for pure gravity with negative cosmological constant in 3 dimensions. This leads to new degrees of freedom and to an enhancement of the symmetry algebra. Up to the zero modes, it consists of two copies of the semi-direct product of a Virasoro algebra with a U(1) current algebra. The associated surface charge algebra now contains three non-zero central charges: the two usual Brown-Henneaux central charges and one new quantity.Note:
- 19 pages
- AdS-CFT Correspondence
- Classical Theories of Gravity
- Space-Time Symmetries
- algebra: anti-de Sitter
- algebra: conformal
- cosmological constant: negative
- symmetry: enhancement
- transformation: Weyl
- dimension: 3
- central charge
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