Chargino and neutralino production at the Large Hadron Collider in left-right supersymmetric models
Jul 18, 2013
45 pages
Published in:
- JHEP 10 (2013) 033
- Published: Oct 4, 2013
- 1307.5073 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- CERN-PH-TH-2013-169,
- CUMQ-HEP-161
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Abstract: (arXiv)
We present a complete and extensive analysis of associated chargino and neutralino production in the framework of a supersymmetric theory augmented by left-right symmetry. This model provides additional gaugino and higgsino states in both the neutral and charged sectors, thus potentially enhancing new physics signals at the LHC. For a choice of benchmark scenarios, we calculate cross sections for 7, 8 and 14 TeV. We then simulate events expected to be produced at the LHC, and classify them according to the number of leptons in the final state. We devise methods to reduce the background and compare the signals with consistently simulated events for the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. We pinpoint promising scenarios where left-right symmetric supersymmetric signals can be distinguished both from background and from the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model events.Note:
- 42 pages, 12 figures, 11 tables, version accepted by JHEP
- neutralino: hadroproduction
- symmetry: left-right
- supersymmetry
- minimal supersymmetric standard model
- background
- chargino: hadroproduction
- lepton: final state
- p p: inclusive reaction
- cross section
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