Weakly interacting massive particle-nucleus elastic scattering response

Aug 28, 2013
26 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.C 89 (2014) 6, 065501
  • Published: Jun 25, 2014

Citations per year

Abstract: (APS)

Background: A model-independent formulation of weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP)-nucleon scattering was recently developed in Galilean-invariant effective field theory.

Purpose: Here we complete the embedding of this effective interaction in the nucleus, constructing the most general elastic nuclear cross section as a factorized product of WIMP and nuclear response functions. This form explicitly defines what can and cannot be learned about the low-energy constants of the effective theory—and consequently about candidate ultraviolet theories of dark matter—from elastic scattering experiments.

Results: We identify those interactions that cannot be reliably treated in a spin-independent/spin-dependent (SI/SD) formulation: For derivative- or velocity-dependent couplings, the SI/SD formulation generally mischaracterizes the relevant nuclear operator and its multipolarity (e.g., scalar or vector) and greatly underestimates experimental sensitivities. This can lead to apparent conflicts between experiments when, in fact, none may exist. The new nuclear responses appearing in the factorized cross section are related to familiar electroweak nuclear operators such as angular momentum l(i) and the spin-orbit coupling σ(i)·l(i).

Conclusions: To unambiguously interpret experiments and to extract all of the available information on the particle physics of dark matter, experimentalists will need to (1) do a sufficient number of experiments with nuclear targets having the requisite sensitivities to the various operators and (2) analyze the results in a formalism that does not arbitrarily limit the candidate operators. In an appendix we describe a code that is available to help interested readers implement such an analysis.

  • 30+6 pages
  • 12.60.-i
  • 95.35.+d
  • WIMP: velocity
  • effective field theory: nonrelativistic
  • WIMP nucleus: scattering
  • nuclear physics
  • density matrix
  • dark matter
  • WIMP nucleon: scattering
  • spin: dependence