On the estimation of gravitational wave spectrum from cosmic domain walls
Sep 19, 2013
17 pages
Published in:
- JCAP 02 (2014) 031
- Published: Feb 19, 2014
- 1309.5001 [astro-ph.CO]
Report number:
- ICRR-REPORT-659-2013-8,
- IPMU13-0182,
- YITP-13-87
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Abstract: (IOP)
We revisit the production of gravitational waves fromunstable domain walls analyzing their spectrum by the use of fieldtheoretic lattice simulations with grid size 10243, which islarger than the previous study. We have recognized that thereexists an error in the code used in the previous study, and thecorrection of the error leads to the suppression of the spectrum ofgravitational waves at high frequencies. The peak of the spectrumis located at the scale corresponding to the Hubble radius at thetime of the decay of domain walls, and its amplitude is consistentwith the naive estimation based on the quadrupole formula. Usingthe numerical results, the magnitude and the peak frequency ofgravitational waves at the present time are estimated. It is shownthat for some choices of parameters the signal of gravitationalwaves is strong enough to be probed in the future gravitational waveexperiments.Note:
- 17 pages, 8 figures; revised version of the manuscript, accepted for publication in JCAP
- primordial gravitational waves (theory)
- physics of the early universe
- cosmological phase transitions
- Cosmic strings
- domain walls
- monopoles
- gravitational radiation: spectrum
- gravitational radiation: primordial
- domain wall: decay
- frequency: high
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