Ab initio calculations have shown that chiral two- and three-nucleon interactions correctly reproduce binding energy systematics and neutron drip lines of oxygen and nearby isotopes. Exploiting the novel Gorkov-Green's function approach applicable to genuinely open-shell nuclei, we present the first ab initio investigation of Ar, K, Ca, Sc, and Ti isotopic chains. In doing so, stringent tests of internucleon interaction models are provided in the medium-mass region of the nuclear chart. Leading chiral three-nucleon interactions are shown to be mandatory to reproduce the trend of binding energies throughout these chains and to obtain a good description of two-neutron separation energies. At the same time, nuclei in this mass region are systematically overbound by about 40 MeV. While the fundamental N=20 and 28 magic numbers do emerge from basic internucleon interactions, the former is shown to be significantly overestimated, which points to deficiencies of state-of-the-art chiral potentials. The present results demonstrate that ab initio many-body calculations can now access entire medium-mass isotopic chains including degenerate open-shell nuclei and provide a critical testing ground for modern theories of nuclear interactions.