Equation of state of hypernuclear matter: tuning hyperon-scalar-meson couplings

Jan 8, 2014

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Abstract: (IOP)
We discuss to which extent the modifications of the hyperon-scalar-meson coupling constants affect the equation of state (EoS) hypernuclear matter. The study is carried out within a relativistic density functional theory. The nucleonic matter is described in terms of a density-dependent parametrization of nucleon-meson couplings, whereas the hyperon-meson couplings are deduced from the octet model. We identify the parameter space of hyperon-meson couplings for which massive stellar configurations with M ≤ 2.25M⊙ exist. We also discuss the EoS at finite temperatures with and without of a trapped neutrino component and show that neutrinos stiffen the EoS and change qualitatively the composition of stellar matter.
  • 6 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of International Conference on "The Modern Physics of Compact Stars and Relativistic Gravity", 18-21 September 2013, Yerevan, Armenia
  • equation of state
  • hypernucleus
  • finite temperature
  • coupling: density dependence
  • parametrization
  • neutrino
  • effective Lagrangian: relativistic
  • density: high
  • numerical calculations
  • symmetry: SU(6)