T1044: sPHENIX Calorimetry Tests
Dec 19, 201323 pages
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The sPHENIX upgrade to the PHENIX detector is designed to study jets in heavy ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory and address questions about the nature of the perfect fluid quark-gluon plasma. The upgrade consists of a 2 Tesla superconducting magnetic solenoid of radius 70 cm surrounded by electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters with uniform coverage over a rapidity range of IT'ii < 1 and 2n in azimuth. The sPHENIX detector concept takes advantage of technological developments to enable a compact design with excellent performance. A tungsten-scintillator electromagnetic calorimeter read out with silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) allows for a physically thin device, which can operate in a magnetic field, without the bulk of photomultiplier tubes and the need for high voltage distribution. The smaller electromagnetic calorimeter also allows the hadron calorimeter to be less massive, and the use of silicon photomultipliers for the hadron calorimeter allow for nearly identical electronic readout for the two major systems. The requirements for the sPHENIX electromagnetic calorimeter lead to a design that is compact (i.e. has a small Molie 're radius and short radiation length), has a high degree of segmentation (0.024 x 0.024 in TJ and References(6)
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