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Abstract: (arXiv)
I give a general review of inflationary cosmology and of its present status, in view of the 2013 data release by the Planck satellite. A specific emphasis is given to the new broad class of theories, the cosmological attractors, which have nearly model-independent predictions converging at the sweet spot of the Planck data in the (n_s,r) plane. I also discuss the problem of initial conditions for the theories favored by the Planck data.
  • 84 pages, 23 figures, based on lectures at the Les Houches School "Post-Planck Cosmology,'' 2013. A section on inflation in supergravity is extended, a subsection on unitarity problem for Higgs inflation and related models is added, a reply to the recent critical comments on inflation by Ijjas, Steinhardt and Loeb is extended
  • satellite: Planck
  • cosmological model
  • boundary condition
  • attractor
  • inflation
  • initial state
  • lectures
  • Higgs model
  • power spectrum
  • supergravity