Effective No-Hair Relations for Neutron Stars and Quark Stars: Relativistic Results
- Phys.Rev.D 89 (2014) 12, 124013
- Published: Jun 12, 2014
- 1403.6243 [gr-qc]
Citations per year
Astrophysical charge-free black holes are known to satisfy no-hair relations through which all multipole moments can be specified in terms of just their mass and spin angular momentum. We here investigate the possible existence of no-hair-like relations among multipole moments for neutron stars and quark stars that are independent of their equation of state. We calculate the multipole moments of these stars up to hexadecapole order by constructing uniformly rotating and unmagnetized stellar solutions to the Einstein equations. For slowly rotating stars, we construct stellar solutions to quartic order in spin in a slow-rotation expansion, while for rapidly rotating stars, we solve the Einstein equations numerically with the
- 36 pages, 14 figures; matches version published in PRD
- 97.60.Jd
- 04.40.Dg
- quark: star
- neutron star: rotation
- expansion: weak field
- higher-order: 0
- multipole
- equation of state
- spin
- Einstein equation
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