Roton-assisted chiral pp-wave superfluid in a quasi-two-dimensional dipolar Bose-Fermi quantum-gas mixture

Sep 4, 2013
5 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.A 88 (2013) 3, 033616
  • Published: Sep 16, 2013

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Abstract: (APS)
The chiral p-wave (px±ipy) superfluid has attracted significant attention in recent years, mainly because its vortex core supports a Majorana fermion which, due to its non-Abelian statistics, can be explored for implementing topological quantum computation. Mixing dipolar bosons with fermions in quasi-two-dimensional space offers the opportunity to use the roton minimum as a tool for engineering the phonon-induced attractive interaction between fermions. We study, within the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approach, the p-wave superfluid pairings in a quasi-two-dimensional dipolar Bose-Fermi mixture. We show that enhancing the induced interaction by lowering the roton minimum can affect the stability property of the mixture as well as the effective mass of the fermions in an important way. We also show that one can tune the system to operate in stable regions where chiral p-wave superfluid pairings can be resonantly enhanced by lowering the energy cost of the phonons near the roton minimum.
  • 6 pages, 2 figures
  • 03.75.Ss
  • 05.30.-d
  • 67.30.H-
  • 74.20.Rp