Abstract: (APS)
We study entanglement entropy (EE) for a Maxwell field in (2+1) dimensions. We do numerical calculations in two-dimensional lattices. This gives a concrete example of the general results of our recent work [1] on entropy for lattice gauge fields using an algebraic approach. To evaluate the entropies we extend the standard calculation methods for the entropy of Gaussian states in canonical commutation algebras to the more general case of algebras with center and arbitrary numerical commutators. We find that while the entropy depends on the details of the algebra choice, mutual information has a well defined continuum limit as predicted in [1]. We study several universal terms for the entropy of the Maxwell field and compare with the case of a massless scalar field. We find some interesting new phenomena: an “evanescent” logarithmically divergent term in the entropy with topological coefficient which does not have any correspondence with ultraviolet entanglement in the universal quantities, and a nonstandard way in which strong subadditivity is realized. Based on the results of our calculations we propose a generalization of strong subadditivity for the entropy on some algebras that are not in tensor product.