In an effective theory approach, the full minimal set of leading contributions to anomalous charged-current top couplings comprises various new trilinear tbW as well as quartic tbff′ interaction vertices, some of which are related to one another by equations of motion. While much effort in earlier work has gone into the extraction of the trilinear couplings from single top measurements, we argue in this article that these structures can be assessed independently by other observables, while single top production forms a unique window to the four-fermion sector. An effective theory approach is employed to infer and classify the minimal set of such couplings from dimension six operators in the minimal flavor violation scheme. In the phenomenological analysis, we present a Monte Carlo study at detector level to quantify the expected performance of the next LHC run to bound as well as distinguish the various contact couplings. Special attention is directed toward differential final state distributions including detector effects as a means to optimize the signal sensitivity as well as the discriminative power with respect to the possible coupling structures.