Left-right supersymmetry after the Higgs boson discovery

Aug 11, 2014
19 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 90 (2014) 11, 115021
  • Published: Dec 30, 2014
Report number:
  • CUMQ-HEP-184,
  • HIP-2014-18-TH,
  • HRI-RECAPP-2014-019

Citations per year

Abstract: (APS)

We perform a thorough analysis of the parameter space of the minimal left-right supersymmetric model in agreement with the LHC data. The model contains left- and right-handed fermionic doublets, two Higgs bidoublets, two Higgs triplet representations, and one singlet, insuring a charge-conserving vacuum. We impose the condition that the model complies with the experimental constraints on supersymmetric particles masses and on the doubly charged Higgs bosons and require that the parameter space of the model satisfies the LHC data on neutral Higgs signal strengths at 2σ. We choose benchmark scenarios by fixing some basic parameters and scanning over the rest. The lightest supersymmetric particle in our scenarios is always the lightest neutralino. We find that the signals for Hγγ and HVV are correlated, while Hbb¯ is anticorrelated with all of the other decay modes, and also that the contribution from singly charged scalars dominates that of the doubly charged scalars in Hγγ and HZγ loops, contrary to type II seesaw models. We also illustrate the range for mass spectrum of the LRSUSY model in light of planned measurements of the branching ratio of Hγγ to 10% level.

  • 38 pages, 9 figures, revised version
  • 14.80.Da
  • 12.60.Cn
  • 12.60.Jv
  • LHC phenomenology
  • Left Right Symmetry
  • Supersymmetry
  • new physics
  • model: left-right
  • symmetry: left-right
  • supersymmetry: parameter space