Natural little hierarchy for SUSY from radiative breaking of the Peccei-Quinn symmetry
- Phys.Rev.D 91 (2015) 1, 015003
- Published: Jan 6, 2015
- 1410.7500 [hep-ph]
- FTPI-MINN-14-36
Citations per year
While LHC8 Higgs mass and sparticle search constraints favor a multi-TeV value of soft SUSY breaking terms, electroweak naturalness favors a superpotential Higgsino mass
- 13 pages with 5 .png figures; several typos fixed in v2
- 11.30.Pb
- 12.60.Jv
- symmetry: Peccei-Quinn
- symmetry breaking: Peccei-Quinn
- symmetry breaking: scale
- supersymmetry: hierarchy
- scale: electroweak interaction
- hidden sector
- neutrino: right-handed: mass
- neutrino: Majorana: mass