Natural little hierarchy for SUSY from radiative breaking of the Peccei-Quinn symmetry

Oct 27, 2014
8 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 91 (2015) 1, 015003
  • Published: Jan 6, 2015
Report number:
  • FTPI-MINN-14-36

Citations per year

Abstract: (APS)

While LHC8 Higgs mass and sparticle search constraints favor a multi-TeV value of soft SUSY breaking terms, electroweak naturalness favors a superpotential Higgsino mass μ100200GeV: the mismatch results in an apparent little hierarchy characterized by μmsoft (with msoftm3/2 in gravity mediation). It has been suggested that the little hierarchy arises from a mismatch between Peccei-Quinn (PQ) and hidden sector intermediate scales vPQmhidden. We examine the Murayama-Suzuki-Yanagida model of radiatively driven PQ symmetry breaking which not only generates a weak scale value of μ but also produces intermediate scale Majorana masses for right-hand neutrinos. For this model, we show ranges of parameter choices with multi-TeV values of m3/2 which can easily generate values of μ100200GeV so that the apparent little hierarchy suggested from data emerges quite naturally. In such a scenario, dark matter would be comprised of an axion plus a Higgsino-like weakly-interacting massive particle admixture where the axion mass and Higgsino masses are linked by the value of the PQ scale. The required light Higgsinos should ultimately be detected at a linear e+e- collider with s>2m(Higgsino).

  • 13 pages with 5 .png figures; several typos fixed in v2
  • 11.30.Pb
  • 12.60.Jv
  • symmetry: Peccei-Quinn
  • symmetry breaking: Peccei-Quinn
  • symmetry breaking: scale
  • supersymmetry: hierarchy
  • scale: electroweak interaction
  • hidden sector
  • neutrino: right-handed: mass
  • neutrino: Majorana: mass
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