Quasilocal strange metal
May 28, 2014- Phys.Rev.B 91 (2015) 12, 125136
- Published: Mar 23, 2015
- 1405.7357 [cond-mat.str-el]
Citations per year
One of the key factors that determine the fates of quantum many-body systems in the zero temperature limit is the competition between kinetic energy that delocalizes particles in space and interaction that promotes localization. While one dominates over the other in conventional metals and insulators, exotic states can arise at quantum critical points where none of them clearly wins. Here we present a class of metallic states that emerge at an antiferromagnetic (AF) quantum critical point in the presence of one-dimensional Fermi surfaces embedded in space dimensions three and below. At the critical point, interactions between particles are screened to zero in the low-energy limit and at the same time the kinetic energy is suppressed in certain spatial directions to the leading order in a perturbative expansion that becomes asymptotically exact in three dimensions. The resulting
- v2) minor revision; appendix A added
- 71.10.Hf
- 74.40.Kb
- 11.10.Gh