Stable topological hairy black holes in EYM theory with
Jul 11, 2015Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
We investigate the linear stability of topological black hole solutions to four-dimensional SU(N) Einstein-Yang-Mills theory with a negative cosmological constant. We here extend recent results in the field which prove the existence of hairy black hole solutions to such equations, and the stability of their spherically symmetric analogues. We find the analysis carries over very similarly, with some important differences in the final stages. Nevertheless, we establish the existence of non-trivial solutions stable under linear perturbations, in a sufficiently small neighbourhood of some existing trivial solutions; in fact, stable topological solutions turn out to be likely more abundant in the parameter space than their spherically symmetric analogues.- 04.20.Jb
- 04.40.Nr
- black hole: hair
- solution: topological
- solution: stability
- black hole: topological
- stability: linear
- cosmological constant: negative
- perturbation: linear
- Einstein-Yang-Mills theory: SU(2)
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