A Neutrino-Driven Core Collapse Supernova Explosion of a 15 M Star

Jul 20, 2015
7 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We present results from an ab initio three-dimensional, multi-physics core collapse supernova simulation for the case of a 15 M progenitor. Our simulation includes multi-frequency neutrino transport with state-of-the-art neutrino interactions in the "ray-by-ray" approximation, and approximate general relativity. Our model exhibits a neutrino-driven explosion. The shock radius begins an outward trajectory at approximately 275 ms after bounce, giving the first indication of a developing explosion in the model. The onset of this shock expansion is delayed relative to our two-dimensional counterpart model, which begins at approximately 200 ms after core bounce. At a time of 441 ms after bounce, the angle-averaged shock radius in our three-dimensional model has reached 751 km. Further quantitative analysis of the outcomes in this model must await further development of the post-bounce dynamics and a simulation that will extend well beyond 1 s after stellar core bounce, based on the results for the same progenitor in the context of our two-dimensional, counterpart model. This more complete analysis will determine whether or not the explosion is robust and whether or not observables such as the explosion energy, 56Ni mass, etc. are in agreement with observations. Nonetheless, the onset of explosion in our ab initio three-dimensional multi-physics model with multi-frequency neutrino transport and general relativity is encouraging.
  • To appear in the Proceedings of ASTRONUM 2014. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1405.7075