CEPC-SPPC Preliminary Conceptual Design Report. 1. Physics and Detector

Mar, 2015
389 pages
Report number:
  • IHEP-CEPC-DR-2015-01,
  • IHEP-TH-2015-01,
  • IHEP-EP-2015-01

Citations per year

A study group was formed in Beijing in September 2013 to investigate the feasibility of a high energy Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) as a Higgs and/or Z factory, and a subsequent Super proton-proton Collider (SPPC). A provisional organization structure and a management team, consisted mostly of Chinese physicists, were established to guide the initial study [1]. The group aims at establishing an international collaboration on CEPC-SPPC after sufficient progress has been made in China or it has been given government funding for R&D on CEPC-SPPC. The CEPC-SPPC study group undertook a preliminary Conceptual Design Report (preCDR) study, with an aim to address some of the critical questions about the CEPC-SPPC: identifying the most exciting and fundamental physics case, performing the initial design of the accelerator and of the detector, and selecting critical R&D projects for the Technical Design Report (TDR). The preCDR will be reviewed in early 2015 and in time for China’s 13th Five-Year Plan consideration, which dictated the time window for the preCDR study. Since September 2013 a series of international workshops on CEPC-SPPC have been held to study their physics potentials, the designs and technologies of the accelerators and the detector, and the laboratory facilities in China. This preCDR report contains two volumes: Volume 1 summarizes the theory, detector, software and simulation, and the physics potential of the CEPC-SPPC project; Volume 2 describes the CEPC accelerator design and SPPC consideration, and the associated civil engineering [2]. The contents presented are preliminary and are predominately focused on the CEPC. Formal CDR and TDR work will follow.
  • activity report
  • accelerator: technology
  • programming
  • electron positron: storage ring
  • p p: storage ring
  • detector: design
  • numerical calculations
  • Higgs particle: particle source
  • Z0: particle source