Future Heavy-Ion Program at J-PARC

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Abstract: (Physical Society of Japan)
Recently, a heavy ion program as a future J-PARC project has been discussed among nuclear physicists and accelerator scientists. The overview of the heavy-ion program with physics goals, the design and physics feasibility of the spectrometer, and preliminary accelerator schemes are presented. The main goal of the program is to explore the QCD phase diagram in baryon densities 8–10 times as high as the normal nucleus density with heavy ion beams up to uranium at 1–10 AGeV, as well as research of unstable nuclei up to 10 AMeV. In this work, we focus on the former. One of the most important measurements which could signal the phase transition in high baryon densities is a dilepton. We study in-medium modifications of ρ\rho , ω\omega , and ϕ\phi mesons decaying into dileptons, measure rare particles such as multi-strangeness hadrons, exotic hadrons, and hypernuclei utilizing high rate beams at J-PARC. We have been designing a spectrometer with a solenoid and a dipole magnets, which covers almost 4π\pi acceptance, and has capability of identifying charged hadrons as well as electrons and muons. In one-month running of the experiment at the beam rate of 10^11 Hz, we expect to measure ρ\rho , ω\omega , and ϕ\phi dielectron decays of the order of 10^7. Heavy-ion acceleration schemes have been studied with a new heavy-ion linac and a new booster ring as an injector to RCS. The beams will be accelerated in RCS and MR. The goal beam rate is around 10^10–10^11/MR cycle.
  • beam: heavy ion
  • J-PARC Lab
  • proposed experiment
  • linear accelerator: heavy ion
  • baryon: density: high
  • quantum chromodynamics: critical phenomena
  • dilepton
  • baryon: density
  • nucleus: density
  • hadron: exotic