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Abstract: (FIZ Karlsruhe)
The simplest consequences of exact and broken higher-spin symmetry are studied. The one-loop anomalous dimensions of higher-spin currents are determined from the multiplet recombination in the spirit of the modern bootstrap programme: the Wilson-Fisher CFT is studied both in the 4−ϵ-expansion and in the large-N. The bulk implications are briefly addressed: part of the higher-spin theory cubic action is reconstructed; one-loop corrections to the AdS masses of higher-spin fields are discussed.
  • 35 pages=27+Appendices; tiny modifications, typos fixed
  • 81T40
  • 81T20
  • 81R05
  • 81V70
  • 82B20
  • 82D50
  • model: vector
  • anomalous dimension
  • epsilon expansion
  • expansion 1/N