Heavy ion elastic scattering survey

29 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.A 252 (1975) 208-236
  • Published: 1975

Citations per year

Abstract: (Elsevier)
Differential cross sections for elastic scattering of 12 C ions of 96 MeV, 16 O ions of 129.5 and 192 MeV, and 20 Ne ions of 161.2 MeV from 208 Pb were measured and analyzed using the optical model. Values of the real potential near the strong absorption radii were extracted and some constraints put on its slope. Some information on the slope of the imaginary potential in this region was also obtained, while the magnitude of the imaginary potential here was found to be comparable to that for the real potential. The scattering was found to be almost completely insensitive to the real or imaginary potential for center-of-mass separations ⪅ 10 fm. In addition to Woods-Saxon potentials, folded-model potentials were also used and a consistent description of the present and other data was obtained with a Gaussian nucleon-nucleon interaction. It was found that a nucléon-nucléon interaction with a range as long as that for one-pion-exchange is unacceptable.
  • Nuclear Reactions