Diphoton resonance from a new strong force

Jun 19, 2016
14 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 94 (2016) 7, 075005
  • Published: Oct 5, 2016

Citations per year

Abstract: (APS)
We explore a “partial unification” model that a new strong gauge group is combined with the ordinary color and hypercharge gauge groups. The VEV responsible for the combination is of the order of the SU(2)×U(1) breaking scale, but the coupling of the new physics to standard model particles is suppressed by the strong interaction of the new gauge group. This simple extension of the standard model has a rich phenomenology, including composite particles of the new confining gauge interaction, a coloron and a Z′ which are rather weakly coupled to standard model particles, and massive vector bosons charged under both the ordinary color and hypercharge gauge groups and the new strong gauge group. The new scalar glueball could be produced by gluon fusion and decay into two photons, both through loops of the new massive vector bosons. The simplest version of the model has some issues: the massive vector bosons are stable and the coloron and the Z′ are strongly constrained by search data. An extension of the model to include additional fermions with the new gauge coupling, though not as simple and elegant, can address both issues and more. It allows the massive vector boson to decay into a colorless, neutral state that could be a candidate of the dark matter. And the coloron and Z′ can decay dominantly into the new fermions, completely changing the search bounds. If the massive vector bosons are still long lived, they could form new bound states, “vector bosoniums” with additional interesting phenomenology. The model is an explicit example of how new physics at small scales could be hidden by strong interactions.
  • 33 pages, 4 figures, 7 tables
  • vector boson: massive
  • Z'
  • symmetry: gauge
  • coupling: gauge
  • strong interaction
  • particle: composite
  • glueball: scalar
  • gluon: fusion
  • two-photon
  • coloron
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