Two fundamental cosmological laws of the Local Universe

Oct 19, 2016
14 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
The Local Universe is the most detail studied part of the observable region of space with the radius R about 100 Mpc. There are two empirical fundamental cosmological laws directly established from observations in the Local Universe independently from cosmological theory: first, the Hubble-Humason-Sandage linear redshift-distance law and second, Carpenter- Karachentsev-deVaucouleurs density-radius power-law. Review of modern state of these empirical laws and their cosmological significance is given. Possible theoretical interpretations of the surprising coexistence of both laws at the spatial scales from 1 Mpc to 100 Mpc are discussed. Comparison of the standard space-expansion explanation of the cosmological redshift with possible global gravitational redshift model is given
  • 14 pages, 4 figures, published in "Cosmology on Small Scales 2016", Michal Krizek and Yurii Dumin (Eds.), Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague: ISBN 978-80-85823-66-0