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0 Citations
Abstract: (FIZ Karlsruhe)
We present a geometric approach via Kaluza-Klein compactification to trigger Higgs mechanism for massive and partially massless higher-spin gauge fields. Starting from a free massless higher-spin field in five-dimensional anti-de Sitter space and compactifyingon Janus geometry, we obtain an infinite tower of heavy, light and massless higher-spin fields in four-dimensional anti-de Sitter space. In this talk, we explain how the Higgs mechanism is triggered for spin-one and spin-two fields. All massive, partially massless fields are described manifest gauge invariantly in terms of Stüeckelberg coupling to lower-spin Goldstone fields. The mass spectrum depends on the boundary conditions. For Robin boundary conditions, we get unitary representations of massive and massless fields. For higher-derivative boundary conditions, equivalently, spectrum-dependent boundary conditions, we get either unitary massive spin-one field or non-unitary partially-massless spin-two fields. We also discuss how how the pattern continues to higher spin fields and holographic dual description in terms of interface conformal field theory in three dimensions.
  • 81T13
  • 81S22
  • 81R40
  • 81T20
  • 83E15
  • 81V25
  • spin: high
  • Higgs mechanism
  • holography
  • spin: 2
0 References