Non-thermal emission from the interaction of extragalactic jets with stars

Jan 4, 2017
Published in:
  • AIP Conf.Proc. 1792 (2017) 1, 050012
Contribution to:
  • Published: Jan 4, 2017

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Abstract: (AIP)
The central regions of galaxies are rich environments, with abundant stars and medium inhomogeneities. For galaxies hosting active galactic nuclei, the interaction of a relativistic jet with obstacles can lead to the formation of shocks, where particles can be accelerated up to relativistic energies. In this work, we analyze the non-thermal radiation produced by electrons accelerated in these shocks. We first characterize the stellar population inside the jet. Then, we study the transport of relativistic electrons, and compute their synchrotron and inverse Compton emission. In particular, we focus our research on AGN jets aligned with the line of sight, where the observed emission is significantly enhanced by Doppler boosting.