Measurement of the WW-boson mass in pp collisions at s=7\sqrt{s}=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

Jan 25, 2017
86 pages
Published in:
  • Eur.Phys.J.C 78 (2018) 2, 110,
  • Eur.Phys.J.C 78 (2018) 11, 898 (erratum)
  • Published: Feb 6, 2018
PDG: W{{\mathit W}} MASS
Report number:
  • CERN-EP-2016-305

Citations per year

Abstract: (Springer)
A measurement of the mass of the W boson is presented based on proton–proton collision data recorded in 2011 at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, and corresponding to 4.6 fb14.6~\hbox {fb}^{-1} of integrated luminosity. The selected data sample consists of 7.8×1067.8\times 10^6 candidates in the WμνW\rightarrow \mu \nu channel and 5.9×1065.9\times 10^6 candidates in the WeνW\rightarrow e \nu channel. The W-boson mass is obtained from template fits to the reconstructed distributions of the charged lepton transverse momentum and of the W boson transverse mass in the electron and muon decay channels, yielding \begin{aligned} \nonumber m_W = 80370&\pm 7~(\text {stat.}) \pm 11 (\text {exp. syst.}) \\&\pm 14~(\text {mod. syst.})~\text {MeV} \\ = 80370&\pm 19\,\text {MeV}, \end{aligned} where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second corresponds to the experimental systematic uncertainty, and the third to the physics-modelling systematic uncertainty. A measurement of the mass difference between the W+W^+ and WW^- bosons yields mW+mW=29±28m_{W^+}-m_{W^-} = -\,29 \pm 28  MeV.
  • p p: scattering
  • p p: colliding beams
  • W: hadroproduction
  • W: pair production
  • W: leptonic decay
  • W: mass: measured
  • mass: transverse
  • lepton: transverse momentum
  • W W: mass difference