Coherent Hypernucleus Production in Antiproton-Nucleus Annihilation Reactions as a Probe for κ\kappa meson Exchange

Mar 6, 2017
21 pages

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0 Citations
Abstract: (arXiv)
The hypernucleus production reaction pˉ+AZΛA(Z1)+Λˉ\bar p + {}^AZ \to {}^A_\Lambda(Z-1) + \bar{\Lambda} in the beam momentum range 1.5-20 GeV/c is addressed theoretically as a coherent process. The calculations are based on a covariant tt-channel meson exchange model for the elementary pˉpΛˉΛ\bar p p \to \bar\Lambda \Lambda annihilation amplitude with parameters fixed by comparison with empirical data. Besides pseudo-scalar KK and vector KK^* mesons we also account for correlated πK\pi K contributions, modelled by the scalar K0(800)K^*_0(800) or κ\kappa meson. Initial and final state nuclear interactions are taken into account in eikonal approximation. The bound baryon wave functions are obtained self-consistently in a covariant mean-field approach. It is shown that the hypernucleus production cross sections populating discrete states are dominated by the vector and scalar interaction channels. The pronounced sensitivity on the scalar κ\kappa meson exchange contributions indicates that these reactions are well suited as a probe for correlated πK\pi K exchange in the scalar κ/K0\kappa/K^*_0 interaction channel.
  • 21 pages, 8 figures, added references, extended conclusion section
  • 25.43.+t
  • 21.80.+a
  • 14.40.Df
  • 11.10.Ef
  • 24.10.Ht
  • meson: exchange
  • hypernucleus: production
  • interaction: scalar
  • nucleus: interaction
  • model: exchange
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