Hard color singlet BFKL exchange and gaps between jets at the LHC

Mar 31, 2017
12 pages

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We explore the perturbative QCD dynamics of hard parton-parton scattering through the exchange of a color singlet two-gluon ladder as described by the BFKL equation, resulting in a rapidity gap between two high transverse momentum jets. Implementing this in a complete Monte Carlo event simulation that also accounts for additional QCD processes at softer scales provides dynamical modeling of gap survival probabilities, which makes possible a detailed comparison with data on such jet-gap-jet events. New data from CMS at the LHC extend the dynamic range of the previous Tevatron data, and can be reproduced reasonably well provided that the Soft Color Interaction model is modified based on the idea of reduced resolution power of softer gluon exchanges. This indicates the need for further theoretical developments in connection with other color exchange processes related to rapidity gaps in the hadronic final state.
  • Extended version of a presentation at the Forward and Small-x QCD workshop at CERN, January 2017
  • BFKL equation
  • quantum chromodynamics: perturbation theory
  • quantum chromodynamics: pomeron
  • pomeron: exchange
  • parton: hard scattering
  • jet: pair production
  • jet: rapidity
  • rapidity: gap
  • jet: transverse momentum: high
  • final state: hadronic