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Abstract: (JACoW)
In the last 11 years, the Beam-Test Facility (BTF) of the Frascati DAΦNE accelerator, gained an important role in the development of particle detectors. e⁻ or e⁺ beams can be extracted to a dedicated transfer line, where a target plus a dipole and collimator, can attenuate and select secondary particles in a narrow p (<1%) band. BTF can provide tuneable beams in a wide range of: energy (to 750 MeV/540 MeV for e⁻/e⁺), charge (up to 10¹⁰ e/bunch) and pulse length (1.4-40 ns) up to 49 Hz rep. rate. Beam spot and divergence can be adjusted, down to sub-mm sizes and 2 mrad. Photons can be produced on a target, and energy-tagged inside the dipole by Si micro-strip detectors. A shielded W target is used for neutron production: about 8 10-7/pr, 1 MeV n are produced. 200 beam days are delivered to about 20 groups/year. A dedicated experiment PADME for the search of light dark matter, like dark photons, ALPs, etc., was approved aiming at a sensitivity up to m=26 MeV/c2. An upgrade program of the facility is proposed, along 3 lines: consolidation of the LINAC, in order to guarantee a stable operation in the longer term; upgrade of the energy up to 1 GeV; doubling of the BTF beam-lines.
  • linac
  • target
  • positron
  • electron
  • dipole