Measurements of W±^{\pm} and top-quark pair to Z-boson cross-section ratios at s\sqrt{s} = 13, 8, 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

212 pages
  • Alexander Glazov()
  • Peter Schleper()
Thesis: PhD
  • Hamburg U.
  • Published: 2017 in Hamburg
  • Published: 2017

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Abstract: (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
Measurements of the Z \rightarrow l+^{+}l^{-} production cross sections, where l±\pm = e±^{\pm}, μ\mu±^{\pm} µ±, in proton- proton collisions at S\sqrt{S} = 13 TeV are presented using two sets of data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. The data sets correspond to a total integrated luminosity of 81 pb1^{-1} and 3.2 fb1^{-1} collected in 2015 using the 50 ns and 25 ns bunch spacing configurations, respectively. The cross section obtained with 50 ns configuration is used for W ± to Z cross-section ratio measurement. The W+^{+} to W^{-} boson production cross-section ratio is also measured. The ratios of measured fiducial cross sections for electron and muon decay channels of the W ± and Z boson are evaluated and compared to the Standard Model expectations of the lepton universality. Ratio of top-quark pair to Z-boson production cross section is measured at S\sqrt{S} = 13 TeV using 25 ns bunch spacing data. Similar ratios are obtained at S\sqrt{S} = 8 TeV and 7 TeV using the published ATLAS results corrected to a common phase space. Single ratios, at a given S\sqrt{S} for the two processes and at different S\sqrt{S} for each process, as well as double ratios of the two processes at different S\sqrt{S}, are evaluated. The results are compared to cal- culations performed at next-to-next-to-leading-order accuracy using recent sets of parton distribution functions. The data used for ttˉ\bar{t} to Z-boson cross section ratios demonstrate significant power to constrain the gluon distribution function for the Bjorken-x values near 0.1 and the light-quark sea for x < 0.02.
  • thesis
  • p p: scattering
  • p p: colliding beams
  • top: pair production
  • W: associated production
  • Z0: hadroproduction
  • Z0: leptonic decay
  • cross section: ratio
  • channel cross section: measured
  • energy dependence