Fully Constrained Majorana Neutrino Mass Matrices Using Σ(72×3)\Sigma(72\times 3)

Jan 25, 2018
20 pages
Published in:
  • Eur.Phys.J.C 78 (2018) 1, 74
  • Published: Jan 25, 2018

Citations per year

Abstract: (Springer)
In 2002, two neutrino mixing ansatze having trimaximally mixed middle ( ν2\nu _2 ) columns, namely tri-chi-maximal mixing ( TχM\text {T}\chi \text {M} ) and tri-phi-maximal mixing ( TϕM\text {T}\phi \text {M} ), were proposed. In 2012, it was shown that TχM\text {T}\chi \text {M} with χ=±π16\chi =\pm \,\frac{\pi }{16} as well as TϕM\text {T}\phi \text {M} with ϕ=±π16\phi = \pm \,\frac{\pi }{16} leads to the solution, sin2θ13=23sin2π16\sin ^2 \theta _{13} = \frac{2}{3} \sin ^2 \frac{\pi }{16} , consistent with the latest measurements of the reactor mixing angle, θ13\theta _{13} . To obtain TχM(χ=±π16)\text {T}\chi \text {M}_{(\chi =\pm \,\frac{\pi }{16})} and TϕM(ϕ=±π16)\text {T}\phi \text {M}_{(\phi =\pm \,\frac{\pi }{16})} , the type I see-saw framework with fully constrained Majorana neutrino mass matrices was utilised. These mass matrices also resulted in the neutrino mass ratios, m1:m2:m3=(2+2)1+2(2+2):1:(2+2)1+2(2+2)m_1:m_2:m_3=\frac{\left( 2+\sqrt{2}\right) }{1+\sqrt{2(2+\sqrt{2})}}:1:\frac{\left( 2+\sqrt{2}\right) }{-1+\sqrt{2(2+\sqrt{2})}} . In this paper we construct a flavour model based on the discrete group Σ(72×3)\varSigma (72\times 3) and obtain the aforementioned results. A Majorana neutrino mass matrix (a symmetric 3×33\times 3 matrix with six complex degrees of freedom) is conveniently mapped into a flavon field transforming as the complex six-dimensional representation of Σ(72×3)\varSigma (72\times 3) . Specific vacuum alignments of the flavons are used to arrive at the desired mass matrices.
  • 20 pages, 1 figure. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1402.0857
  • neutrino: Majorana: mass
  • neutrino: mass
  • neutrino: Majorana
  • neutrino: mixing
  • neutrino: mass ratio
  • group: discrete
  • flavor: model
  • dimension: 6
  • flavon
  • nuclear reactor