Stellar Weak Interaction Rates for Intermediate Mass Nuclei.. 3. Rate Tables for the Free Nucleons and a = 21 to a = 60
May, 198158 pages
Published in:
- Astrophys.J.Suppl. 48 (1982) 279-319
Report number:
- OAP-621
Citations per year
Abstract: (ADS)
Stellar electron and positron emission rates and continuum electron and positron capture rates, as well as the associated neutrino energy loss rates, are tabulated for the free nucleons and 226 nuclei with masses between A =21 and 60. These rates were calculated in accordance with the procedure described in Papers I and II of this series and are presented here in tabular form on an abbreviated temperature and density grid. Results of these calculations on a detailed temperature and density grid are available in computer readable form on magnetic tape upon request to MJN. The stellar weak rate calculation procedure is reviewed, and the results are discussed. Comparison of the stellar weak rates to terrestrial decay rates are made where possible.References(0)
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