Proceedings, 19th International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories (RPMBT19) : Pohang, Korea, June 25-30, 2017
- Jong E. Han(ed.),
- Ki-Seok Kim(ed.)
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The 19th International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories (MBT19) was held at the Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) on June 25-30, 2017. The conference continued the approximately biennial series initiated in Trieste in 1978 and was devoted to new developments in the field of many-body theories, with an added focus on electron transport and nanostructures. The conference series encourages the exchange of ideas between physicists working in such diverse areas as nuclear and condensed matter physics, quantum chemistry, lattice Hamiltonians or quantum fluids. This volume includes the proceedings of the conference. Many-body theories are an integral part in different fields of theoretical physics such as condensed matter, nuclear matter that share common methodology often leading to unifying concepts. Phase transitions and macroscopic quantum effects such as magnetism, Bose-Einstein condensation, superfluidity or superconductivity have been investigated within ultra-cold gases, finite systems or various nanomaterials. Traditional equilibrium theories are now expanded to strong-field and ultrafast dynamics of condensed matter systems. The conference series on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories (RPMBT) is devoted to foster interaction and cross-fertilization between different fields and also to discuss future lines of research.References(0)
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