Bounds on Slow Roll and the de Sitter Swampland
Jul 13, 2018Citations per year
Abstract: (Springer)
The recently introduced swampland criterion for de Sitter [17] can be viewed as a (hierarchically large) bound on the smallness of the slow roll parameter 𝜖. This leads us to consider the other slow roll parameter η more closely, and we are lead to conjecture that the bound is not necessarily on 𝜖, but on slow roll itself. A natural refinement of the de Sitter swampland conjecture is therefore that slow roll is violated at (1) in Planck units in any UV complete theory. A corollary is that 𝜖 need not necesarily be (1), if holds. We consider various tachyonic tree level constructions of de Sitter in IIA/IIB string theory (as well as closely related models of inflation), which superficially violate [17], and show that they are consistent with this refined version of the bound. The phrasing in terms of slow roll makes it plausible why both versions of the conjecture run into trouble when the number of e-folds during inflation is high. We speculate that one way to evade the bound could be to have a large number of fields, like in N -flation.Note:
- v2: many refs added, clarifications and comments added, improved wording regarding single/multi-field and potential/Hubble slow roll, typos fixed
- Cosmology of Theories beyond the SM
- Superstring Vacua
- Flux compactifications
- inflation: model
- slow-roll approximation
- de Sitter
- tree approximation
- string model
- tachyon
- Planck
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