An X-Band Lineariser for the CLARA FEL
Jun, 2018Citations per year
Abstract: (JACoW)
The CLARA FEL at Daresbury Laboratory will employ four S-band linacs to accelerate electron bunches to 250 MeV/c. In order to compress the bunch sufficiently to achieve peak currents suitable for FEL lasing, one must compensate for curvature imprinted on the longitudinal phase space of the bunch. For CLARA a harmonic RF linearization system has been designed to achieve this requirement. The linearization will be achieved by an X-band travelling wave cavity of the PSI/CERN design, which incorporates wake-field monitoring of the bunch position. A five-axis mover will align the cavity to the beam axis. Pulse compression of a 6 MW klystron pulse will provide the required power to achieve a 30 MV/m operational gradient.- cavity
- simulation
- wakefield
- klystron
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