Evaluation of the 232Th Neutron Cross Sections between 4 keV and 140 keV

Jun 13, 2005

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Abstract: (AIP)
An evaluation of the 232Th neutron total and capture cross sections has been performed in the energy region between 4 keV and 140 keV. The evaluation results from a simultaneous analysis of capture, transmission, and self‐indication measurement data, including the most recent capture cross‐section data obtained at the GELINA facility of the Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements at Geel (B) and at the n‐TOF facility at CERN (CH). The experimental data have been analysed in terms of average resonance parameters exploiting two independent theoretical approaches — the Characteristic Function model and the Hauser‐Feshbach‐Moldauer theory. The resulting parameters are consistent with the resolved resonance parameters deduced from the transmission measurements of Olsen et al. at the ORELA facility.
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