Looking for the hidden-charm pentaquark resonances in scattering
Mar 30, 2019Citations per year
Abstract: (arXiv)
In the framework of quark delocalization color screening model, the three new reported pentaquarks , , and can be identified as the hidden-charm molecular states with , with , and with , in the baryon-meson scattering process, respectively. Besides, the of both and are also possible molecular pentaquarks. Moreover, the calculation is extended to the like molecular pentaquarks . Several states with masses above GeV and narrow width are obtained. All these heavy pentaquarks are worth searching in the future experiments.Note:
- 5 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1811.04260
- 12.39.Jh
- 12.39.Pn
- 13.75.Cs
- pentaquark: heavy
- quark: delocalization
- color: screening
- meson baryon: scattering
- hadron: molecule
- J/psi(3100)
- Sigma/c(2455)
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